



每年夏天, students at the 威尼斯人平台 have the opportunity to participate in the 学生科学研究 program, a 10-week program where students conduct research while working alongside a professor. 

Elliot Sesma, 24岁, 谁是环境科学和历史双学位, shares his experience while working on the 学生科学研究 program with the 斗牛犬的博客. 和他的指导教授一起工作, 瓦莱丽Rountree, Elliot  conducted research on the effects of residential lawn types on ambient air temperature. 


艾略特Sesma: I decided to apply for the 学生科学研究 program because I was looking for my first "real" job in the field I was going to be entering after graduation. 我最近也对环境研究领域产生了兴趣, 所以我想感受一下拥有这个学位的工作是什么样的. Another reason was that I have had three classes with 教授 Rountree, and I loved them 所有. 她对环境的热情很快变得清晰起来,这只会让我更感兴趣. 她也是我的导师, 所以有 this preexisting relationship helped me know that she would be a good boss to have, 我们可以很好地合作. 更有趣的一面, 我的室友也在物理系做这个项目, 所以我想和我最亲密的朋友一起过暑假一定很有趣. 

截图2023-11-06 10点.11.57 AM.pngBB: 你能解释一下你的研究是什么以及你的研究目标吗? 

ES: 这个夏天,朗特里教授给我们小组布置了两个主要项目. The first one was studying the short-lived climate pollutants (CH4 and CO2 mainly) originating from 加州 landfills and analyzing 加州 State Senate Bill 1383, 目标是到2025年将这些污染物减少75%. The goal of that project was to determine if/how cities were in compliance with the bill and whether or not it is going to make a difference. 然而,这并不是我的主要项目. I was studying the effects of residential lawn types on the ambient air temperature around 雷德兰兹, CA. Our main goal was to determine if different landscape types lead to the formation of urban heat islands, 或者某些类型可以帮助减轻其中一种的负面影响. 我们调查的景观类型类别为绿草, 褐色的草, 本地/耐旱植物, 基础设施(具体, 砖, 风化花岗岩), 污垢/死植被, 木片, 人造草坪. We wanted to see if the composition of a front yard had any impact on the surrounding temperatures, 如果是这样的话, 我们想确定差异有多大. 

典型的一天是怎样的? 无论是在野外还是在校园里? 

ES: 一个典型的数据收集日涉及至少3(最多6)次收集. 最常见的是在摄氏9度测量温度.m.中午和下午三点.m. 为了观察温度在一天中是如何波动的. We had selected our testing sites at the beginning of the project using stratified random sampling. 在每个站点, we would try to test as many houses as we could in 75 minutes and try to hit our mark of collecting data from 3 houses of each landscape type. Whatever houses we collected from on our first visit of the day would be the houses we would come back to later. 在每户人家,我们都会收集院子的表面温度, 温度在院子上方五英尺处, 然后是街道的表面温度和街道上方五英尺的温度. 如果条件允许,我们还会测试土壤温度和湿度. We inputted our data into FieldMaps by ArcGIS so each data point could be paired with a location, 日期, 和时间.  


ES: My favorite part about this program is getting to work in a sm所有er team of like-minded, 勤劳的, 有创造力的人. 我的队友,还有 P朗特里教授,每个人都有不同的技能 布景和背景, 所以有 所有 我们对一个项目的想法使它们顺利地运行. 我知道大多数人一想到要做10周的治疗就会哭-长时间的小组项目,但我们享受每一步. 我结交了一些新朋友,同时也和一些老朋友一起工作.    

BB: How will this research help you in the future as a student or in your future career? 

ES: 我相信这项研究将在未来帮助更多的不仅仅是我自己. Our findings will hopefully help homeowners and landscape man年龄rs make informed decisions when addressing water scarcity and urban heat island exacerbation and help them understand the tradeoffs between the two. 作为奖励,我们希望它有助于教育公众可持续的景观实践. 只要它能帮助我实现我的职业目标, I think it is very helpful that I can enter a job with actual experience in forming answerable research questions, 微调研究方法, 分析收集的数据, 并展示这些数据是如何与我们不断发展的社会相关的. I was given a great opportunity to earn experience and it paid off by helping me round out my skills as a researcher and teammate. 

基冈·摩尔,25岁, 物理专业, shared his experience while working in the 学生科学研究 program with the 斗牛犬的博客. 和他的研究顾问物理教授Martín Hoecker-Martinez一起工作, Keegan is investigating how different landscapes can affect temperatures and the heat island effect around campus. 

斗牛犬博客: 你为什么决定参加学生科学研究项目? 

基冈·摩尔: I wanted to join the program because it 所有ows me to work during the summer on the topics that I'm interested and invested in while still being an undergraduate, 而不是在某个地方找一份更典型的暑期工作.  


KM: My research involves measuring temperatures around campus to find where heat islands occur, 以及周围的景观和基础设施是如何影响这一点的. Since man-made materials like concrete and asphalt hold on to heat much more than natural materials, 在建设城市区域时,考虑到这一点是很重要的. 要做到这一点, I will be constructing and programming a cart with temperature sensors and a GPS to walk around campus with. 我还使用放置在高流量区域的六个固定传感器收集数据. 然后,我将使用Python绘制的图形来分析数据, 计算机程序设计语言, 以及在ArcGIS中创建的地图. 这个项目的主要目标是创建一个购物车,将用于博士. 马丁内斯即将到来的气候变化课程和任何未来的项目. I am also working on a story map that will show my work in an easy-to-digest fashion, which I hope to use to encour年龄 the University to inst所有 more trees and other heat-mitigating practices. 

20230717_090214.jpg典型的一天是怎样的? 无论是在野外还是在校园里?  

KM: 对我来说,一天的工作通常是在阿普尔顿做代码或电路. 当我用固定传感器收集数据时, 我将收集到的数据用Python转换成图形. 然后,我对它进行分析,以及不可避免地必须修复我的代码. 当我在推车上工作时, 我正在使用Arduino接口来编程我的各种传感器, as well as messing with the circuitry I need to connect them to the microcontroller I use. 一天一次, I also must check on the sensors that are out on campus to make sure they haven't been stolen and/or collect data from them.  


KM: My favorite part of the program so far has been researching heat islands and the associated city planning that causes them, 因为我对所有与城市主义和城市设计有关的事情都非常着迷. 有一个专门的空间来追求这种兴趣是很有成就感的. 

BB: How will this research help you in the future as a student or in your future career? 

KM: 做研究让我尝到了独立工作的滋味. 我过去只在食品服务和零售行业工作过, 所以有 this kind of experience could help prepare me for the kind of work I'll be doing with my degree. 另外, 这让我有时间练习编程和使用电子产品, 这两件事都可能在未来对我有用.  


Ale Cordova, Li Almazo Garcia, Daniel Plata和Michael Ferracane(化学)  

Synthesis and evaluation of opioid cyclic tetrapeptides for treatment of pain and addiction.  

Jordyn Cab所有ero, Claire Love和Jim Blauth(生物学) 

Monitoring wildlife and human visitation in open space reserves in Redlands using game cameras and GIS tools. Contributing to a grassland restoration experiment through soil sample analysis and native seed collection. 

Ace Trede和Dustin Vanoverbeke(生物学) 

Contributing to a grassland restoration project through monitoring pollinators and ground 住宅节肢动物. 

Madisen H所有sten和Rebecca Lyons(化学)  


Lauren Kline和Bryce Ryan(生物学) 

壬基酚对小鼠行为和生殖的影响:饮水量  肛门生殖器距离和存活率. 

Dan Bajda和Martin Hoecker-Martinez(物理学)   


Alec Kendrick和Bryce Ryan(生物学) 


Starla Murillo, Anafer Cardenas和Sean Wilson(药理学,法学硕士) 


Victor Perez, Malia Miguel和Sue Blauth(生物学) 


Briza Martinez与Penelope Duerksen-Hughes(生物化学,法学硕士) 

30-羟基藤黄酸(GA-OH)在HPV+和HPV-癌中显示抗癌活性 细胞. 

Lucy Stiff, Grace Vogt和Lei Lani Stelle(生物学) 


Janet Rayo Celaya, Alejandro Palomares和Caryl Forrist所有(生物学) 





壬基酚发育暴露对神经和生殖的影响  C57BL6/J小鼠系统. 

Makayla Sorenson和Julie Unternaher(生物医学,法学硕士) 





Evaluating the Implementation of SB 1383: 加州’s Organic Waste Diversion Policy. 



学生 science research is funded by generous donor contributions and endowment funds. 捐赠包括:  

Steven K. 马蒂亚斯学生暑期研究基金 

赫伯特W. 和凯瑟琳E. 格雷达诺斯学生科学研究基金 





Steven D. 简·R. 卡迈克尔学生科学研究基金 


夏季科学研究基金. 朱丽安·F. Levings 

夏季科学研究基金. 和夫人. 杰克Dangermond 

夏季科研基金- Ms. 苏珊·M. Lea 

要了解有关学生科学研究计划的更多信息,请单击 这个链接